Digital monitoring of cigarrinha-do-milho

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Digital monitoring of moscas-das-frutas

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Monitoramento digital de lepidópteros

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Digital monitoring of traça-do-tomate

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Imagem ilustração para página Tarvos armadilha digital

What we do

A Tarvos oferece monitoramento digital de pragas agrícolas com armadilhas eletrônicas, fornecendo dados diários para decisões rápidas e seguras aumentando a eficiência do controle e protegendo sua produção com inteligência e confiança.


Imagem ilustração para página IMG_9239 Imagem ilustração para página IMG_5335 Armadilha digital da Tarvos para monitoramento de mosca-das-frutas em uma lavoura de manga, com dispositivo instalado em um galho e pronto para capturar e registrar dados sobre a presença de insetos na plantação. Imagem ilustração para página 22.06.38 (2)_clipdrop-enhance Imagem ilustração para página IMG_9239
Imagem ilustração para página IMG_9239

Rapid Insights & Continuous Intelligence

Direcione suas ações protetivas exatamente onde e quando elas são necessárias para um controle de pragas mais eficiente usando nossas soluções.

Monitoramento digital

How it Works

Our digital traps use advanced technology to capture and identify pests in a variety of agricultural crops. Designed to attract specific insect species that cause significant damage to crops, the traps capture the insects, which are then photographed and automatically identified by our system, developed in conjunction with Tarvos’ entomology experts.
Our system is integrated directly into the trap and is configured to automatically identify and count pests, in addition to sending monitoring reports directly to the user's cell phone. With automated counting, there is no longer a need for daily visits to the traps in the field. Simply access the report at any time to view the data stored by the system, in a practical and efficient way.
Every day, capture data is sent via WhatsApp and made available on our Tarvos Web platform, allowing instant access to information about the pest population directly on site. This speeds up and makes decision-making more assertive, ensuring greater safety in control and management actions.

Some of our clients

Fight pests more quickly

We operate at the base of the integrated pest management pyramid, allowing for the rapid identification of pests in crops. Our system facilitates the implementation of IPM, making the process more agile and efficient, resulting in increased productivity and reduced costs.

Where do you gain efficiency?

Application of pesticides

With our accurate data, you will know exactly where and when to apply chemical or biological pesticides, avoiding waste and monitoring effectiveness in real time.


Understand the origins and movement patterns of pests in the region to create preventive barriers and more effective control strategies.

Resistance to active ingredients

Detect signs of treatment resistance and adapt your approaches before resistance becomes a critical problem.

Imagem ilustração para página MIP

Pests evolve.
Your monitoring can evolve too.

See how easy it is

1. Contact

Entre em contato com nossa equipe de especialistas para discutir suas necessidades e expectativas em relação ao seu projeto de monitoramento automatizado.

2. Project

We will develop a personalized and detailed monitoring project, fully aligned with your objectives.

3. Monitoring

Our technical team will contact you to coordinate the implementation of the project on site and provide daily monitoring data.

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