Digital monitoring of cigarrinha-do-milho

Any delay in identification of this means loss

Tarvos offers a hyper-personalized monitoring strategy, designed exclusively for your area.

Our validated protocol is adapted to the specific needs of your plantation, ensuring maximum effectiveness.

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Every day matters!
Quick action to control leafhoppers guarantees increased productivity

Using Tarvos digital monitoring data for decision making has a direct impact on productivity.

It's not us who are talking, it's our customers who are already enjoying success in the fight against corn leafhoppers

“We didn’t save on product application in this first harvest, but we definitely gained in productivity, as we applied it at the right time and stopped losing out to stunting.”

– Amaggi farm director
By planning your project now, you guarantee data for the next harvest.


Get in touch with our team of experts to talk about your needs and what you expect from a digital monitoring project.



We will set up a personalized and detailed monitoring project, specific to your objectives.



Our technical team will contact you to carry out the assembly of the project on site and deliver daily data.

Do you want to receive a quote?

Fill out the form below.

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